剛踏入2022年,華粵學院 (Institute of Chinese And Cantonese, 簡稱華粵或ICAC)正式啓航,華粵係一所喺美國註冊嘅非牟利組織,旨在全球保存同推廣正體中文同廣東話。佢哋懇請幫助,設計一個獨特嘅組織圖徽,喺日後所有宣傳品和媒體平台上特顯學院形象。佢哋強調,希望清楚地傳達學院嘅使命,明確地有別於教授簡體同普通話嘅中文學院。
*詳情有關學院的創立目的和使命,請瀏覽: 華粵臉書公眾羣組
冠軍 – 100 美元
亞軍 – 60 美元
季軍 – 40 美元
新星獎 – 20 美元 (每名計,最多十名)
期限:2022.2.1 美國東部時間零時零分前
必須原創, 提交作品後必須簽署聲明, 確認作品為原創,並自行負上任何侵權責任,一切侵權責任主辦組織概不負責
接受評審團最終評選結果, 不得異議
Institute of Chinese And Cantonese (ICAC)
Calling All Artists to show your creative talent and win a prize!
Logo Design Contest organized by a newly setup NPO in US
2022 marks the launch of the Institute of Chinese And Cantonese (ICAC, 華粵學院), a nonprofit organization registered in the United States, to preserve and promote Traditional Chinese and Cantonese globally. We need your help to design a distinctive logo that best represents the Institute in all publicity materials and media platforms.
Judging criteria that will be employed by a Judging Panel comprising the Board of Directors and founding volunteers of the Institute are:
Clearly communicate the identity of the Institute*
Effectively connect with Chinese and non-Chinese around the world
Distinctly differentiate from existing Chinese schools which mostly teach Simplified characters and Mandarin
* To learn more about the mission and the purpose of the Institute, please visit: ICAC Public Group on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/498571051409840/permalink/615774799689464/)
The ICAC website is under construction and coming soon.
1st Prize – US $100
2nd Prize – US $60
3rd Prize – US $40
Rising Star Prize – US $20 each, up to 10 counts
Deadline: 2022.2.1 0:00 US EST
Important notes:
All submissions must be in high quality image digital format by graphic design standard.
Originality is mandatory with no infringement on any copyright. Contestants are required to sign a Declaration of Originality for each design submission and to be held accountable for any legal consequences in case of violation. All liabilities caused by copyright infringement will not be borne by the organizer.
All submissions should include the name of the designer (can choose not to disclose the
name to the public) and corresponding email address.
Results of the Judging Panel are final and should be respected.
Organizer has the rights to make refinements for the prize winning design and exclusively owns the copyright for business use by any means.
Method of payment will be communicated via email upon announcement of the prizes.
Any entries and/or questions, please email icac.npo@gmail.com.