
Dear students and colleagues,
Reported Cases of Spam Emails
Since last Friday (26 July), a huge amount of spam emails have been sent to over three thousand students and one hundred colleagues.
All these emails have similar subjects and contents and have originated from a number of email accounts under the domains “163.com” and “126.com“. As a remedy, all these senders’ email accounts have been blocked from sending any further emails to HKBU. We will continue to monitor our email system for any spam email.
We would also like to take this opportunity to remind all users to be vigilant in email security and report to us any suspicious emails received. To avoid unnecessary suspicion and hindrance to work, always communicate with members of the University using your @life.hkbu.edu.hk or @hkbu.edu.hkemail accounts.
Please contact us at 3411-7899 or hotline@hkbu.edu.hk if you have any question.
Service Call Centre
Office of Information Technology
29 July 2019