前晚浸大學生會長方仲賢因購買觀星筆,被五名「休班警」以「藏有攻擊性武器」罪名拘捕,被叉頸倒地,須入院治療。方仲賢於今日傍晚約 6 時獲警方釋放,暫未被落案起訴任何罪名。據了解方仲賢發緊高燒,身體欠佳,因此須留醫治療。
我們都非常關注我們學生會會長Keith Fong的被捕,我想讓大家了解一下目前的情況。
Roland Chin
Dear Students, Alumni and Colleagues,
Update on the arrest of SU President
We are all deeply concerned about the arrest of Keith Fong, the President of our Students’ Union, and I would like to update you on the current situation.
Further to my discussions with the police and legal experts over the last two days, this morning I expressed our concerns to Mr John Lee Ka-chiu, the Secretary for Security, and Mr Stephen Lo Wai-chung, the Commissioner of Police, and asked them to clarify a few points. First, why is a laser pointer regarded as an offensive weapon? Second, why does the possession of a laser pointer constitute an offence when it has not been used? Third, why was Keith subjected to force during the arrest?
In addition, I have asked that Keith be treated fairly and compassionately. I was assured that I will receive a response. Subsequently, I put our concerns in writing and I will update you once I have heard back.
We are in communication with Keith’s family and are offering help and support. I want to stress that we all share the same goal, and we are doing everything we can to support Keith at this difficult time. We have his best interests at heart, and I will update you as soon as I know more.
Yours sincerely,
Roland Chin
8 August 2019