HKBU Secrets今日(7號)披露一封信件,指一眾香港浸會大學中醫六年級生喺尋日(6號)分別以中、英文致函浸大校方高層,要求即時計劃及安排國內實習中醫學生回港完成實習時數。
Request for Immediate Arrangements of Chinese Medicine Year 6 Students Returning to Hong Kong for Internship Completion
鑑於日前香港特區政府正式引用《緊急情況規例條例》(下稱緊急法),香港局勢急速惡化,各區出現大規模示威、遊行及暴力活動。一些商店遭到大肆破壞、縱火,港鐵等公共交通設施受到波及,導致全港交通癱瘓。至今仍未見局勢有緩和的跡象。香港特區政府在10月5日正式實行緊急法,打開緊急法之先例,亦表示不排除會實施更多的法規以達到止暴制亂之目的。其中,緊急法中的2(d) 條賦予特首對陸路、航空或水上運輸,以及對運送人及東西的管制。
香港浸會大學副校長 (教與學) 周偉立博士
香港浸會大學中醫藥學院 呂愛平院長
香港浸會大學大學中醫藥學院 全體教學人員
Administrative Support to Quality Assurance Committee (QAC)
香港浸會大學中醫藥學院 校友會
To whom may concern,
Request for Immediate Arrangements of Chinese Medicine Year 6 Students
Returning to Hong Kong for Internship Completion
This petition is raised by several Year 6 students who are currently taking an internship in Guangzhou, offered by the School of Chinese Medicine. In view of the current situation in Hong Kong, we are expressing our concerns and hoping that the School would be able to draft contingency plans for the sake of students’ personal safety and liberty.
The situation in Hong Kong has been drastically deteriorating since the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government enforced the Emergency Regulations Ordinance (ERO). Large-scaled protests, demonstrations and acts of violence have happened in different regions within the city. Shops have been vandalized and were under arson attack; public transportation especially the MTR has been adversely affected, leading to a citywide transport service suspension. Until now, there are no signs that the society can alleviate the current state. On the 5th of October, the HKSAR government has officially enforced the ERO. By setting the precedent of invoking a colonial-era emergency law, more regulations are expected to be introduced in order to rein in anti-government demonstrations. Under the Ordinance, 2(d) states that the government would have control over transportation by land, air or water, and the control of the transport of persons and things.
We, as Year 6 students practicing internship in Guangzhou, are particularly worried about the possible immigration control. If we encounter any possible difficulties at immigration process, we might as well lose our rights and freedom to return home and reunite with our families. . On top of this, news on 4th October reported that an Intercity Through Train being vandalized, leading to railway obstruction and passengers being stranded during the transfer from the Mainland to Hong Kong. All these incidents point to the fact that we are facing great personal safety and transportation issues when we are required to transfer between Hong Kong and Guangzhou.
As a matter of fact, from January 2019, current Year 6 students have fulfilled the 30-week internship requirement imposed by Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong. Therefore, regarding the remaining subjects and hours, this petition calls for the School to (1) allow students who are concerned about the Ordinance to willingly opt in if they would prefer to stay in Hong Kong and (2) make arrangements for these students to complete the remaining internship program in TCM clinic of HKBU. One such example is that in September 2019, Chinese Medicine students from CUHK were allowed to choose if they could stay in Hong Kong for the second and third stages of internship after fulfilling the 30-week internship requirement. This high flexibility ensures that students are more familiar with the variety of diseases in Hong Kong and that we could solve the aforementioned transportation and personal safety issues. What is more important is that if the situation in Hong Kong worsens, we can make our own decisions proactively instead of staying passive.
Moreover, the detention of Hong Kong young people who attempted to cross the border to China has raised our concern. Due to the mass protests in Hong Kong since June, the immigration department of China has carried out inspections on cross-boundary travellers more often, including the students of HKBU. Some of the travellers were detained after the inspection and they were denied contact with their family and request for legal services. Such prohibition has severely violated personal safety and privacy. We and our parents are worried and panic about the situation. Concerns have been raised by students early in August during the first consultation held in Guangzhou regarding the situation of Hong Kong. However, the SCM still has not proposed any emergency plans up till now. For instance, there are no guidelines or contingency plans for students to safely transferring between Hong Kong and Guangzhou in the worsening situation, including the mass violent acts, frequent suspension of the MTR and interruption of the Intercity Through Train service so as to fulfil the requirements of graduation.
We hereby urge HKBU and SCM respond to our demands of completing the rest of the internship in Hong Kong, as well as formulating an emergency plan and guidelines on safety immediately in order to protect the fundamental rights of students.
Yours faithfully,
Year 6 Students
School of Chinese Medicine
Hong Kong Baptist University”
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