浸大副校長周偉立昨日通告全校2020-2021年度教學安排,提到要「以學生安全及健康為先」,因此有多項新安排。通告特別提到浸大會繼續喺可行情況下推行交流生計畫,並且正遊說外國院校設立「虛擬交流生(virtual exchange)」。
To: All students
c.c. All staff
Dear students,
Arrangements for Teaching and Learning in Semester 1, 2020/21
Warm greetings to you all!
As the 2019/20 academic year is coming to an end, you may be eager to know the teaching and learning arrangements in the coming semester. Our primary aim is to gradually resume normal campus life for the benefits of students’ learning while keeping safety and health of our students and staff as the top priority. The teaching and learning arrangement will be as follows:
Classes for Semester 1, 2020/21 will start on 7 September 2020. Programmes which adopt a schedule different from the University Academic Calendar will inform their students of the class start date accordingly.
Mixed-mode teaching and learning will be adopted. For students who are in Hong Kong and do not need to undergo quarantine, on campus face-to-face instruction will be adopted. For students who are not able to come to the campus for reasons such as travel restrictions, delayed visa processing, quarantine, etc., you can attend classes online.
Lab/studio and other practicum sessions will be scheduled with flexibility to cater for the time when students can return to the campus. Your department head/programme director will provide you with the arrangement in due course.
Exchange programme will continue, as far as circumstances allow. The International Office are in touch with the concerned students. With the adoption of mixed-mode teaching and learning, the University is also pursuing virtual exchange with our partners.
For students who are currently not in Hong Kong, please start to make your travel plan. As the 14-day compulsory quarantine of persons arriving at Hong Kong is still in force, please allow sufficient time for completion of the quarantine requirement before you return to the campus for classes.
For non-local students re-entering Hong Kong and who have been pre-assigned university accommodation in 2020/21, the relevant offices will contact you to help you with quarantine arrangements. For other non-local students who have not been pre-assigned university accommodation, you will have to make your own quarantine arrangements. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to seek advice from the Office of Student Affairs.
We will monitor the COVID-19 situation closely and make changes to the above arrangements if needed.
I look forward to seeing you on the campus in September 2020. Meanwhile, may I wish you a fruitful and enjoyable summer.
Albert Chau
Vice-President (Teaching and Learning)
7 July 2020