浸大今日通告全校師生指,為咗校園安全,規定10月1號教職員同學生要喺14日前打晒兩針疫苗(fully vaccinated)方可入內。如果因為醫療或其他需要打唔到針,要喺返校前14日內自己去做病毒測試然後提供陰性證明。
一、獲大學邀請嘅來賓 Invited visitors
二、短約工人 Short term workers
三、校內幼稚園嘅家長同工人 Parents and helpers of kindergarten school children,
四、去浸大診所睇病同去浸大教堂嘅人 Patients visiting the Chinese medicine clinic at BURC Campus, and Church goers
Dear Students and Staff,
Stepping Up COVID-19 Control Measures for Health and Safety on Campus
Throughout the pandemic, the University has been prioritizing the health and safety of our students and employees while performing its duties including education and research. In order to better safeguard the health and safety of the University community, after careful consideration, it is decided that a vaccinated campus is essential to achieve a vibrant, healthy and safe learning environment, and workplace. The following new measures will become effective as of 1 October, 2021:
All HKBU students and staff entering HKBU Campuses must have been fully vaccinated 14 days prior or more. For individuals who cannot receive vaccinations on time for medical or other reasons, a negative result for a COVID-19 test carried out by a Government recognised route for testing (Link) in the last 14 days is required for entry into the Campuses.
All contractors whose place of work is within HKBU Campuses must have been fully vaccinated 14 days prior or more, or possess a negative result for a COVID-19 test that was carried out by a Government recognised route for testing (Link) in the last 14 days.
All visitors to HKBU Campuses must have been fully vaccinated 14 days prior or more, or possess a negative result of a COVID-19 test that was carried out by a Government recognised route for testing (Link) in the last 14 days, EXCEPT the following categories who declare upon their entry to the campus that they are staying on campus for less than 4 hours on his / her day of visit:
· Invited visitors
· Short term workers
· Parents and helpers of kindergarten school children,
· Patients visiting the Chinese medicine clinic at BURC Campus, and Church goers
For students who cannot take vaccination for medical reasons, or have financial difficulties in meeting the test, please contact the Office of Student Affairs or the School of Continuing Education for details of application for financial support.
The University community will be informed of the details of implementation under separate cover shortly.
Due to the volatile nature of the COVID-19 situation, the aforementioned measures will be updated when necessary.
Stay healthy!